Monday - Saturday

9.30 AM - 8.30 PM

Kids Dental Cleaning

Madhu Dental Treatments

Kids Dental Cleaning

Kids dental cleaning is a preventative treatment that helps keep your child’s teeth decay-free. It also helps the child become familiarized with the clinic and getting dental treatments performed on them

Dental cleaning is the third and final step of a routine dental checkup. The first is a thorough dental exam that may or may not include dental x-rays. If the dentist finds any dental problems at this stage, they will recommend a corrective procedure. If the child’s teeth are in good shape, the dentist will:

  • Scrub their teeth, using mild but gritty toothpaste and a gentle toothbrush or soft cloth
  • Gently floss between the teeth
  • Rinse the teeth
  • Apply sealant or fluoride to protect their teeth